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Writer's pictureJustyna Ataman

Article Review: 'New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies' by G. Conole.

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

This is an inspiring article considering impact on the Web 2.0 technologies on online education today wothy of futher consideration

Image credits: author: Cgannon

"Whichever aspects you look at there appears to be an irresolvable tension between current educational practice which is essentially individualistic and objective, and the philosophies inherent in Web 2.0 –namely social and subjective. So there are huge tensions between the potential of Web 2.0 and current educational systems." (Conole, 2008, p.2)

In the ' New Schema for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies (2008) ' Grainne Conole  analyses and reflects on the impact of  the Web 2.0 on education today.  As the outcome of her observations, she then proposes two new schemas as tools to evaluate and harness potentials of the new technologies.  The basis of her question is build upon, what she describes as, unresponsiveness of the individualistic educational strategies to the potentials of Web 2.0 to induce learner- centered approach through the use of social tools. 

Access to information, which through Web 2.0 is complied as a collective resource, is easier than ever due to the omnipresent, immediate technologies. With that, the idea and expectation of expertise changes as well, where one's ability to search for and relate to the information is more relevant than the ability to recall information from memory. Just few years ago, I was thoroughly surprised seeing a doctor using online search to confirm his diagnosis, now such practices are more and more common.  Applying this perspective to learning environments, Conole (2008) considers if aspects of education such as assessment practices and academic referencing are relevant in their contemporary formats? 

As 'learner centered' education  is a leading concept in pedagogy;  utilizing technologies in ways inspired by their social use, could potentially bridge the gap between the theories of education and their institutionalized delivery. Conole (2008) grounds this argument by showcasing examples of parallels between pedagogical theories of Behaviourism and Constructivism and affordances of technologies. She concludes, that the shift form individualistic to situated and social theories of learning finds a corresponding shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0- community based technologies. Nonetheless, it is clear that the educational practices are not taking advantage or inspiration from those technologies fully.

Conole (2008) proposes then two shemas, based on leading educational theories, which can serve as a guide to utilizing potentials of discussed technologies.  The first shema proposes a framework based on 3 dimensions: Individual- Social, Passive- Active, Information-Experience. The technological tools can be mapped and reflected on via this shema. The second one serves as a mapping space of ' principles of learning situation' to characteristic of learning ( 1.thinking and reflection, 2.conversation and interaction, 3.experience and activity 4.evidence and demonstration). Further on, specific study is quoted to found the evidence for application of the shemas.  

To summarize, Conole (2008) highlights that the omnipresent application of web 2.0 technologies "continue to have profound implications for individual roles as well as for organisational structures and processes." This statement encourages us to further investigate and seek opportunities to respond creatively and critically within the field of education. 

References: Conole, G. (2008). New schemas for mapping pedagogies and technologies. Ariadne, (56).

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1 Comment

Nov 02, 2020

Hi Justyna,

I like how you owned the problematisation of the paper as if they were your own perspectives. Please continue to write and more critical discourses and I look forward to reading more of your perspectives. Go go go!

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